Having worked as a television documentaries director for over a quarter of a century, but also as a journalist -both for Western medias and alternative medias such as RT-France- I'm in a unique position to understand the heavy line separating reality and propaganda, that splits lies from truth.
Tired of being redacted by different interests and agendas, I chose to leave journalism behind to keep an open eye on the world. Now, my analysis are totally free and independent, with a maximum objectivity as I can manage. There are plenty of lying puppets out there, our world doesn't need one more.
My interest in wars and general history was ignited many years before I studied at the universities of Montreal and Concordia, and it has been a life-long research topic. With my awakening about disinformation and fake news in 2015 came the realization that official history had perhaps been twisted even more than our daily information. This now needs to be corrected. I refuse to name it revisionism, for revisionists are those who have twisted facts and reality over the years.
After my first book «Deprogr@mming», originally published in French in 2016 and here available in English, I wrote a few internationally praised articles such as «The unpleasant truth about the 1941 parachuting of Rudolf Hess in England», «About Trump» and «Putin and Trump vs the New World Order: the final battle», published on Oriental Review and Zero Hedge, translated in many languages and read by millions of truth seekers. Thanks to all of you for your trust and most appreciated support!
These articles were preludes to my 2nd book «Wars and lies», the very first real history book covering the last 2 centuries and a half, 1773-2020, an era that could also be called The Empire of Banks, from start to end.

“Readable and digestible format”
“Bravo! Well done my friend. When crucial world events are so skillfully tied together into a readable and digestible format as you have done; your audience becomes both informed and educated. Well done indeed.”
- Margaret Blake
“Real knowledge”
“Some are busy collecting many facts, thinking that if they collect enough of them, they will end up with the truth. They do not realize that they never have all the facts they need in order to possess the truth. They also do not realize that their sources of information will deliberately ensure that they do not obtain the missing facts. On the other hand, writers like Laforest will instead take the time, and interest, to look and see what presents itself, and to connect the dots that appear. Much more truth will be available when you decide to actually look and see. And applying his diligence, he provides something more valuable: real knowledge.”
- Petrus Viatorem
“Most brilliant thing I've read”
“First I’ve read of this author. Rarely am I left speechless after a press article, but this is something much much more. I’m an attorney who has practice in the SCOTUS, worked at IBM, watched my Dad rise to one of the world’s top law firms, and studied American history relentlessly. Each sentence is a searing reality that most people can’t even fathom, let alone build a compelling case with. The peppering in of North Korea (my wife is Korean) and Venezuela, the author ties together events that i understood, but couldn’t place in clear context.This may be the most brilliant thing I’ve read in a decade. Even Alex Jones would blush, and that’s a good thing.”
- Robert W Waddell
“Remarkable narrative”
“A remarkable narrative about what is REALLY going on in the seats of immense power. What really rang true was how Trump is purposely pushing China, Russia, other nations away from the most VALUABLE asset the US/Other western banks have: US HEGEMONIC $$$ & the military powers that back this vile entity. Bravo to Sylvain!!!”
- Chelsea Yorkshire
Fake news are nothing new, they’ve been around for decades and are printed in our history books. This scheme was absolutely necessary to create a world of make-believe, to hide the reality of the economic and political system we live in, which bares a name, the New World Order.
This book will completely change your perception of the world, and this is not an optimistic guess, but an absolute guarantee. Media disinformation is the key for the preservation of an enslaving economic and political system called the New World Order.